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How can we help your pup today?

an illustration of a dog taking a bath


an illustration of a person grooming a dog

DIY | Self Wash

Professional Groom

You can easily groom your ​furry friend at your own pace ​using our professional ​grooming tools and products.

With 11+ years of experience, let ​the experts handle it leaving ​your pup happier, healthier, and ​cleaner than ever!


What is a Bath & Tidy?

a cartoon dachshund is standing in front of a white background

If you book a professional groom, please know that all ​pups will receive a Tidy Trim. This is a Hygienic Trim that ​includes the bum ​feathers, paw pads, tail, and ​​undercarriage. Certain breeds may or may not ​need it. ​We call this a Bath & Tidy and you do not have to book ​the Full Body Haircut to get a hygienic trim on your pup!

Why is it important to bathe our dogs regularly?

  • Reduces the spread ​of disease, infection, ​and inflammation

  • Keeps your home ​clean and improves ​respiratory health in ​humans

  • Improves Skin & ​Coat health

Let’s talk about how hand washing changed the world. When ​indoor plumbing and hand washing became the norm, humans ​gained 20+ years of life. We all know that cleanliness is what ​prevents the spread of diseases and leads to a longer healthier ​life. So why would we not want the same for our furry friends?

Bathing your pup regularly will reduce the risks of Infection and ​Inflammation. The skin on your furry friend has pores just like ​yours does. Over time, these pores can become clogged and ​dirty, in some cases your dog may develop skin problems ​because of deeply clogged pores. With regular bathing, you can ​ensure that your dog’s skin is in excellent condition leading to ​fewer instances of inflammation and irritation.

Not to mention bathing your pets can help improve the health of ​you and your human family as well. Regular bathing helps to ​reduce the amount of dust, dirt, dander, and pollen your pet ​brings into the house; this reduces the number of allergens ​introduced to your home and helps to improve respiratory health.

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Open Hours

Tues - Sat | 11 am - 6 pm

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Tuesdays are reserved for ​grooming appointments only

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